Saturday, 26 September 2015


Welcome to the Trashy world of struggling artists. Right now, the person who reads this must have considered the warning too. We are not focusing on the word crimes or grammar blunders or whatever makes the so called experts call a particular work 'Trashy'.

This place is all about the purest form of talent and creativity.

How many times have we reached for a pen or a brush to jot down our thoughts into a piece of story, essay, poetry... and even a painting, sketch or a simple drawing. And after we are done with our little adventure, we spend hours and days, sometimes months on trying hard to make it perfect for the world. Just to hear the simple words that we are gifted with the talent.

But sadly, it happens the contrary. Our love for the particular art is converted into obsession as we wake long sleepless nights trying to improve it and then present it to the world with perfection. We artists get nervous, self-doubting, insomnia patient, trying to find out if we are worthwhile. We repeatedly change the contents of our work under the continuous pressure from the invisible factors; until we find our work too mechanic and not even recognised by ourselves. Still it fails to meet the guidelines.

I have realised that if the rules of creation/ grammar/ diction/ market demand is considered while producing a creative thing... we would end up building a robot!

Was Shakespeare a Ph.D? Had the Bronte sisters travelled around the world before they began to write? Had they gone to the University to attain their higher education? The answer to all the above is a no. Because talent cannot be taught or learnt. Creativity comes from the heart and not the brain.

So, bring on all your virgin pieces of work. Lets flaunt the purest form of talent here that may be  rejected by the experts, but still is our baby!!

SEEKING CONDOLENCE: Quest to find Happiness

I gathered my hair into a tight knot, ignoring the bold grey ones who mocked at me through the looking mirror. But as I wiped my face with...